Saturday, February 3, 2024

Trust your Neighbour

Don't trust those at the top


 Everything starts from the top, from Federal Government's down the chain, if we don’t have a honest Government, then we can-not expect the people to be honest and good, It has a domino effect.
If we can’t trust our Government, those at the top, how can we trust Local Governments and the people working for them.
People lie between themselves just about every day we encounter situations where I lie has been told, through the Media, our work mates, sports cheats, if every one was honest we would not need Lawyers, and we can’t even trust Lawyers, at least one of them is lying.


My blogs are mostly about activities Downunder, read them with an open mind, as they are meant to expose as well as inform, read into them as you will, send me an email, give me your gut feeling. if there is a subject you would like me to comment on, please tell me, send me a note.

I am an Australian Citizen of 71 years, and I’m overly disappointed to see what is happening to Australia. What this country is turning into because of the stupid decisions made by our Politicians, and supported by a minority of DUMB do-gooders.
Look at the riots in Sydney, this last week, Muslims demonstrating, about something that has taken place in another country.
This is Australia, not Thai ran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, or the United States where there are 20,000,000 Muslim es, or any one of those Muslim Countries, If we Australians were living in a Country with a Muslim majority, I would not be able to practice Christianity or Marry a Muslim lady. She would probably be stoned to death or have acid thrown in her face, and I would probably be put to death, from what I have been told.

PLEASE AUSTRALIA, WAKE UP. Why are we letting this happen here, STOP IT NOW, Politicians change the laws to stop Bastard radicals poisoning this Country. Stop it from becoming a Muslim Majority, Australia.
Muslims are breading like rabbits, only rabbits are better, as a kid rabbits were a vermin but also a food and an income for our family, so why did we poison them with 10-80 or myxomatosis, Rabbits are a food, and we can make garments from their fur.  We can survive on rabbits, and they won’t harm us. Unlike Muslims what can they contribute to this Great Country? (It was a great country) bring back the rabbit.
If Muslims are breading like rabbits at +8 to 1.2 Australians, this will be a Country with a Muslim majority, in a short time, then we will not have any freedom as we know it.
Yes stop the boats, this might look like a selfish point of view, but we must stop the Alkaid supporters, and the Muslims coming here are not true Muslims believers, they are a break away from the true believing Muslim,, as i have been told by a Moroccan lady.


SPY and Surveylance

Our Government

I like to to listen to Parliament and hopefully hear what MP's, the leader of the Labor Party and the Opposition are talking about, and what they are doing, to keep this Country and the people of Australia from going bankrupt.

What the Hell is going on, Politicians were voted in by the People of Australia to represent them. They were not put there to discuss their own misgivings, how much money does it cost the Country to pay these misfits,  every day they are wasting time bickering about their personal lives, slinging words at each other with parliamentary privilege.

Their are a lot of innuendos about sexist remarks especially from Julia, I don't believe there is an issue here, If this was a big issue, then women should keep out of government, and go back to taking care of the Family and having baby's, I believe Julia Gillard is using this to bring down opposition male members, does she use this as a weapon to generate hysteria with the Australian People.
I believe women can be very hateful, and stick the knife in,  if they don't get there own way, from my personal experience, see what they do when there is a Divorce the poor bloke goes through hell.
I feel sorry for women from Muslim Countries, what they have to endure, if Australian women had Muslim Husbands they might have something to bitch about. perhaps they should go and spend some time in Tehran or Saudi Arabia, what we should have is a exchange, bring those poor women to Australia and send some of ours over there.

To be continued, as i listen and watch Parliament on TV.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

PENSIONERS 65 and over

What GOVERNMENT'S  STATE and FEDERAL think of you

The National Disability Insurance Scheme which we are all paying for is
going before Parliament at present. I was listening to a panel
discussion last Friday and was curious as to why the CEO of Disability
Services Australia was less than enthusiastic about the Scheme in its
present form. It was pointed out that anyone 65 years or older would not
be covered by the scheme, the reason being it would make the scheme cost
prohibitive (given an aging population etc). If you have a disability at
the time you reach 65 years of age you will be covered for the benefits
of the scheme when you pass age 65. If you become disabled at age 65 or
over you will not be covered and there is no other safety net scheme to
provide support and services other than present State and private Health
Insurance product/services. The Disability Services representative on
the panel pointed out that a large number of disability cases in the
community affect elderly people who by misfortune have a stroke leading
to partial or greater permanent disability, folk with bone degenerative
disease, osteoporosis etc, other degenerative disease- Dementia,
Parkinson's and the like, plus serious accidental- broken hips, etc.
From age 65 and older none of these people are covered and as was
pointed out the impact of this exclusion would include large numbers of
baby boomers, parents and grandparents of the current 25-40 year olds. I
have not heard one mention of this exclusion from any of the Politicians
from both sides. What was mentioned from a legal participant in last
Friday's panel discussion was that the Federal Government tinkered
carefully with the title of NDIS, so as to have a loop hole against
future litigation for discriminating against a section of the Australian
population with a Nationally funded program. Apparently the trick is in
the use of the word "Insurance" in the scheme.

From a Western Australian perspective, I can also understand Colin
Barnett's reticence to sign up to the scheme. Our current state run
disability scheme offers more comprehensive and superior services to
that of the services proposed by the NDIS and there are no age
exclusions. It was pointed out that with the present proposal if we are
part of the NDIS our level of services will decrease.

My own view is that while the concept of an NDIS is laudable, I question
why in main younger 30-40 year olds are paying an increased Medicare
levy to fund a scheme that would not cover their parents and elderly
dear ones, in the event of disability. In the age 30 to 40 group young
people are career focussed, have a lot of cost in their lives, getting
established with a house, raising young children etc, so the scheme
should be funded from consolidated revenue and not yet another levy.
They also mentioned in the panel discussion that around 1000
Commonwealth Public Service FTE's would be required to administer the
Scheme from Canberra, again I have great concern about the efficiency of
this, given the present Federal Governments track record with the Home
Insulation Program, Better Schools Program, management of Australian
border protection and the like.

If you feel inclined please forward this email on so at least there will
be a better awareness of the pitfalls and oversights in the hurried put
together of the NDIS- in that way we can get it changed to cover all the
Australian population. Thank you.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Australian Computer Party

Do we need MP's or Governments, I believe we are at a time in history where we could scrap Governments but have a Body of People, voted in by the People  through a web site, have a large web site where we can vote on every issues.
Let us start a movement where we DON'T VOTE IN THE NEXT ELECTION for any Party. what would happen if we all just put BULLSHIT on the Election papers.

Let the Australian People have a web site where we can Vote on any issue, so it becomes the law of the Country, and Politicians are only there to see it is administered.
On this issue lets also scrap all banks except for one Bank, the peoples bank, where we all  have our Super invested, then our super would not be stolen, and we should all have a Bank Book to see where our money is. as they do in Thailand.
Look at how much money would be saved
VOICE YOUR THOUGHTS, every thing starts with a thought.