Sunday, March 10, 2013

Australian Computer Party

Do we need MP's or Governments, I believe we are at a time in history where we could scrap Governments but have a Body of People, voted in by the People  through a web site, have a large web site where we can vote on every issues.
Let us start a movement where we DON'T VOTE IN THE NEXT ELECTION for any Party. what would happen if we all just put BULLSHIT on the Election papers.

Let the Australian People have a web site where we can Vote on any issue, so it becomes the law of the Country, and Politicians are only there to see it is administered.
On this issue lets also scrap all banks except for one Bank, the peoples bank, where we all  have our Super invested, then our super would not be stolen, and we should all have a Bank Book to see where our money is. as they do in Thailand.
Look at how much money would be saved
VOICE YOUR THOUGHTS, every thing starts with a thought.