From my experience and up to this time i can honestly say my life has been good to me from the age of 30, my health is as good as any Man i have met at my age 70, people have said they thought i was only 40.
Because i choose to live a healthy life without drugs of any kind, i do not taken prescription drugs or go to Doctors. I believe we don't always need to go to a Doctors, There are alternate options other than Prescription Drugs. If the body is healthy it will repair it self. I haven't been to a Doctor in 42 years for medication, only Cialis tabs to make it stand up, and i don't always need them.
We should be able to make a choice, we should be able to have readily available alternate Herbal Medicines. I will tell you a story when i was in Kunming China, I was friends with a Chinese Lady, who guided me.
This day we walked to the Peoples Hospital to see her Mother there as a patient, to my surprise there were very few people in the hospital about five waiting to see the Doctor, two Doctors were on duty, in grubby white overalls, in a City of about four Million People, China has Herbal Medicines.
In Thailand where they have Drugs for medicines I visited a Public Hospital in a Country town, there were hundreds of people waiting to see the Doctor, just the opposite to China. our Hospitals are the same as Thailand. because we are forced to use Prescription Drug, we don't have a choice.
I believe The Australian Government is letting its People down, by forcing us to go to a Doctor and not encouraging the People of Australia to choose alternate Health care. what we hear is GO AND SEE YOUR DOCTOR. I believe the Government is in bed with the Drug Companies. Money is the reason behind our Hospital Medical System. I believe the Drug Companies Control the Doctors, we have no say, we are all being CONNED. this is from my own experience,
had i not given up eating sugar forty years ago i would probably be going to the Doctor or living in a nursing home.
I must say there are some ethical Doctors, and they are not all controlled by the Drug Companies, we need Doctors for Operations. to take off our limbs or take out our tonsils, sew us up after an accident.
I have exposed a couple of unhealthy products being sold with the Governments blessing, see "Whats in your Fridge" on
I believe the Government don't not care about the health of the Australian People, if they did they would BAN unhealthy products, such as SWEETNERs (ASPARTAME 951) i believe it is used in 5000 products around the World.
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